Felony Evasion Complaint Dismissed After Preliminary Hearing.
Drug Charge Dismissed.
Successfully Defended Civil Sexual Assault Case.
$0.00 Awarded to Plaintiff.
Assault weapon distribution case/possession of firearm by felon case settled for lowest term.
Second Strike Assault Case: acquitted after jury trial.
Third Strike Burglary Case: Hung Jury.
Felony Assault: Dismissed on first day of trial.
Multi count rape case settled for one count of attempted sexual assault.
Temporary restraining order dismissed.
Attempted murder preliminary hearing, self-defense claims asserted.
Felony unlawful contact with minor for sexual purpose, settled for probation.
Preliminary hearing for assault with deadly weapon. At cross examination police witness acknowledged victim was committing residential burglary.
Eligible child porn case, probation granted.
Drug smuggling to correctional facility case settled for probation.
Murder charge dismissed. DA offered manslaughter upon preliminary hearing.
Kidnapping/false imprisonment case settled for probation.
Successfully defended civil sexual assault lawsuit. Judge granted $0.00 to plaintiff.
Felony domestic violence acquitted after jury trial.
Preliminary hearing for assault with deadly weapon. At cross examination police witness acknowledged victim was committing residential burglary.
Sex with animal case settled with no jail time.
Domestic violence case settled for no jail time.
Probation violation settled.
Felony assault charge settled for resident treatment.
Temporary Restraining Order dismissed.
Parole violation reduced.
Domestic Violence Restraining Order dismissed.
Felony felon with gun charge settled for felony probation.
Rape charge facing decades settled to short term.
Burglary charge dismissed at jury trial.
Felony fatal child abuse case reduced to misdemeanor.
Probation violation settled.
Fraud charge settled for mental health diversion.
Immigration fraud case settled for no jail time, probation granted.
Seven of thirteen fraud counts dismissed at preliminary hearing.
Temporary restraining order dismissed.
Annoy/molest children case dismissed.
Child molestation preliminary hearing, life count dismissed.
Felony fraud charge settled for probation and months in custody.
Federal child porn case settled for fraction of maximum.
Murder preliminary hearing. Deputy Coroner acknowledged possibility and likelihood of self-defense.
Felony domestic violence non-filing after exculpatory evidence provided to district attorney.
Felony domestic violence reduced to misdemeanor at preliminary hearing.
Temporary restraining order dismissed.
Temporary restraining order dismissed.
Assault on peace officer settled for mental health treatment.
First degree burglary reduced to second degree burglary.
Attempted murder settled for assault with a deadly weapon.
DUI charge reduced upon discovery of Brady Material
Felony criminal Conspiracy Reduced to Misdemeanor.
Felony domestic violence/grand theft settled for misdemeanor.
Civil lawsuit against public entity, settlement obtained.
Felony Terrorists threats dismissed.
Domestic violence restraining order dismissed.
Felony child abuse reduced to misdemeanor.
Attempted murder life charge settled for domestic violence after Trombetta Motion.
Felony Assault with deadly weapon charge with enhancements settled for misdemeanor probation.
Felony Domestic Violence settled for no jail time.
Temporary restraining order dismissed.
Possession of controlled substance while armed. Probation granted after negotiations.
Educator charged with felony child molestation, settled for felony probation.
Possession of controlled substance while armed, probation granted after negotiations.
Gang shooting case settled for minimum.
Theft of utilities/marijuana cultivation, settled for felony probation and transfer out of state.
Misdemeanor battery negotiated non-filing.
Felony domestic violence non-filing.